miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

Story telling

Hello everybody. 

In my first post I want to talk about story telling that we have been seeing during this week in class. I have decided to write about story tellling because it´s a topic I like a lot. I really enjoy listening or reading stories and also I enjor telling them. 

With this post I want to show you that stories don´t have only the objective of entertain children or make them fall sleep. The story telling is much more than these things.

For me, one of the most important part of stories is the moral that you take from them. Children can learn a lot from a storie with a good moral, for example: "The fox and the grapes", "The hare and the tortoise" etc. I think this kind of stories can teach a lot to children.

Another objective that children can achieve with stories is to improve some capacities while they are listening to them. They develop their understanding, their listening capacity and their concentration among others. 

And the last thing that I want to comment for the moment is that, with stories, children also can learn a lot of different thigs about the daily life. I think that, as far as possible, we have to contextualize the storie, in order to make children feel inside the storie. 

I would like you to commment in this post and tell us, any other things children could take from stories, and I would also like to know your opinion about what I have said in this post. 

Here you have a storie that I have learnt recently and I liked it very much and I hope you enjoy and take something from it ;)


This is the storie of a little child. He was a very good student, he helped a lot at home, he was very sympathetic with his friends, but something in his head made them feel worried. He admired his father, he was a business man, he had a very good job and he earned a lot of money.

One night, the little child decided to wait his father in the bed and when he arrieved to home the child called him and he said to him:
- "Dad, How much money do you earn in an hour?" - the child said.
- "I don´t know"- said the father -"maybe 100 € in an hour. Why?"
- "I wanted to know it"- said the child.
-"Ok, now is time to sleep"

During the following week, the little child asked for some money to his grandmother, mum, ancles, aunts,... and he could get 70 €.

another night he talked with his father again:
- "Dad, Can you give me 30€? I need it to buy a very important thing" - Said the child
- "Ok, here you are" - And the father gave the money to his son - "Now, is time to sleep"
- "No wait" - said the child - "look. I have 100 €. They are for you, I want to buy you one hour ! Sometimes I feel alone. I want to be with you, at least, one hour"